way to downgrade base band from 4.01. back to 3.14.08

This guide will be broken up into two categories, Windows and Mac, so that everyone can do this.

This guide assumes that you're likely an idiot when it comes to unix commands and hacking with your iPhone which is why I will try to be as clear and concise as possible.

On to the instructions--


Required programs and files to perform this:
bbupdater - http://www.freeiphoneunlock.com/guide/
ICE03.14.08_G.eep, ICE03.14.08_G.fls, iEraser, secpack - http://tinyurl.com/2n5yvj
AnySIM 1.02 - http://www.deadbeef.cn/files/anySIM_102.zip
PuTTY or alternative SSH client - http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~s.../download.html
WinSCP - http://winscp.net/eng/download.php

If you haven't already downgraded from 1.1.1 to 1.0.2, you'll need to do that. You'll also have to install the BSD Subsystem, SSH, and the Community Sources from Installer. There are numerous guides about how to do that so I won't cover it here. If you haven't done that, do that now and return here once you're ready to SSH to your iphone.

Assuming that you've taken care of the afformentioned prerequisites you're ready to continue.

At this point rename secpack40113.bin to secpack

Step 1: Using WinSCP, connect to your iPhone (root:dottie) and upload:


to /usr/bin on your iPhone.

Upload AnySIM.app to /Applications. Turn your phone off and back on. If you see AnySIM on your home screen proceed to the next step. If you don't try this step once more and if that fails you should probably stop what you are doing because you are too incompetent to follow the easy parts of this tutorial and I don't want you to completely mess up your phone.

Step 2: Using PuTTY, connect to your iphone (again using root:dottie). Run the following command:

launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist

Now type in:

cd /usr/bin

chmod +x ieraser


bbupdater -v

At this point bbupdater will return saying that it could not ping the baseband. This is good and means it was successfully deleted.

Step 3: Overwrite with the new baseband by typing in the following:

bbupdater -f *.fls -e *.eep.

It will run its course. When finished type in:

bbupdater -v

It should tell you that you have modem version 03.14.08_G. The hard part is done.

Step 4: Go to Settings | General | Auto-Lock | Set it to Never. Then run AnySIM from your homescreen. It will run its course and you will now have the proper IMEI and be able to use any SIM that you want with your phone.

Step 5: THIS IS OPTIONAL FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO RELOCK. The easiest thing to do is boot your iPhone in Restore Mode and simply restore 1.0.2 again. This will return your phone to a locked state (if you simply want to use AT&T). However you still cannot upgrade to 1.1.1 because the nvram is still corrupt from AnySIM. So DO NOT UPGRADE TO 1.1.1

Congrats, you now have an unlocked phone with downgraded baseband.


Required programs and files to perform this:
bbupdater - http://www.freeiphoneunlock.com/guide/
ICE03.14.08_G.eep, ICE03.14.08_G.fls, iEraser, secpack - http://tinyurl.com/2n5yvj
AnySIM 1.02 - http://www.deadbeef.cn/files/anySIM_102.zip
Fugu - http://rsug.itd.umich.edu/software/fugu/download.html

If you haven't already downgraded from 1.1.1 to 1.0.2, you'll need to do that. You'll hopefully have already installed SSH, SFTP, and SCP from iNdependence too.

Assuming that you've taken care of the afformentioned prerequisites you're ready to continue.

At this point rename secpack40113.bin to secpack

Step 1: Using Fugu, connect to your iPhone (root:dottie) and upload:


to /usr/bin on your iPhone.

Upload AnySIM.app to /Applications. Turn your phone off and back on. If you see AnySIM on your home screen proceed to the next step. If you don't try this step once more and if that fails you should probably stop what you are doing because you are too incompetent to follow the easy parts of this tutorial and I don't want you to completely mess up your phone.

Step 2: Using terminal, SSH to your iphone (again using root:dottie). Run the following command:

launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist

Now type in:

cd /usr/bin

chmod +x ieraser


bbupdater -v

At this point bbupdater will return saying that it could not ping the baseband. This is good and means it was successfully deleted.

Step 3: Overwrite with the new baseband by typing in the following:

bbupdater -f *.fls -e *.eep.

It will run its course. When finished type in:

bbupdater -v

It should tell you that you have modem version 03.14.08_G. The hard part is done.

Step 4: Go to Settings | General | Auto-Lock | Set it to Never. Then run AnySIM from your homescreen. It will run its course and you will now have the proper IMEI and be able to use any SIM that you want with your phone.

Step 5: THIS IS OPTIONAL FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO RELOCK. The easiest thing to do is boot your iPhone in Restore Mode and simply restore 1.0.2 again. This will return your phone to a locked state (if you simply want to use AT&T). However you still cannot upgrade to 1.1.1 because the nvram is still corrupt from AnySIM. So DO NOT UPGRADE TO 1.1.1

Congrats, you now have an unlocked phone with downgraded baseband.
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