GPG Dragon New Year 2014 Update 3.39 has just Released<<December 31, 2013>>

What is news?

1. Auto Pinfind Coolsand\RDA CPU
2. Coolsand Auto Pinfind Support for Dragon Dongle Volcano\Avator Box\ET-BOX\Super Doctor...
3. Coolsand / RDA CPU and Flashing time Unknown Bug Fixed
3. New Mehod of writing block algorithm of MTK 6577\6575 EMMC Flash IC
4. Adjust MTK 6589 Write EMMC Flash
5. SPRD 6820/8810 Read Flash (New)
6. Port Option added for Dragon Dongle (This will help direct from USB Cable)
7. Fix Some Bugs

more detail, please visit the link!

Happy New Year 2014 to all the Friends who wants to share their dreams with us!