i am very happy to announce new update GPGJTAG V1.22

Whats new ?

Added Boot Repair for
Samsung I9100G and Samsung I9108, OMAP4430 CPU

New Update and Boot Files uploaded on Support Area

Samsung I9100G and Samsung I9108, OMAP4430 CPU

Important Tips:
1. Samsung I9100G (a) and I9100G (b) are I9100G in fact. They name differently because their main pcb pinouts are arranged differently, other parts are the same.
2. Samsung I9108 and Samsung I9100G BOOT file cannot be written by mutual, once writing the wrong file, whatever JTAG devices are impossible to make it live again! To distinguish phone models, please check carefully what’s written on phone pcb. When writing GT-9100G is 9100G, while I9108 is 9108, before repair please be sure to distinguish clearly and then do it yourself.
3. Note that Samsung I9108 has lots of phone pcb boards, which have different repair BOOT file. At present we only provide Samsung (I9108-W13) boot repair file, means the phone pcb written i9108-W13. Do not try to repair models we not support now, or at your own risk!
4. If the phone can be powered on, please don't repair without concern, because the current I9100G and I9108 have many board types, once written the wrong file, whatever JTAG devices are impossible to find flash ID again. It will totally beyond repair.

Samsung I9100G (a) and I9100G (b) repair tutorial
Samsung I9100G (a) and I9100G (b) main pcb pinouts are arranged differently, other parts are the same. Soldering phone pcb GND separately (GND is written on phone pcb)
1. Select Samsung model I9100G (a) or I9100G (b), size default 4M (Note: Samsung I9100G (a) I9100G (b) BOOT repair files are the same, only their pcb pinouts are not the same.
2. Load repair file "Samsung I9100G_Boot.bin”
3. Click button “Write” and then press phone power-on button, remember not to connect phone USB cable as power supply or software will fail to connect.
4. Load phone battery and power it off, press button volume down key + power-on key +HOME key to enter mode. And then press volume up key to choose download mode to flash phone.

Samsung I9108 (I9108-W13) repair tutorial
1. Soldering phone pcb GND separately (GND is written on phone pcb)
2. Select Samsung model I9108, size default 4M
3. Load repair file "Samsung I9108_Boot.bin”
4. Click button “Write” and then press phone power-on button, remember not to connect phone USB cable as power supply or software will fail to connect.
5. Load phone battery and power it off, press button volume down key + power-on key +HOME key to enter mode. And then press volume up key to choose download mode to flash phone.

!! We Will Not Rest !!