11 Jan 2007: InfinitySetupMain_v2.5a uploaded in support area.

Full installation package contain all latest updates, manuals, drivers, pinouts.
Updated Shell software included (with future easy update method, links to support area, support forums, documentation).

InfinitySetupMain_v2.5a included the next modules (see release note after installation):
1. AModule v1.16
2. Bird01 v1.12
3. Bird02 v1.06
4. BModule v1.26
5. Calculator v1.00
6. ChineseMiracle v1.13
7. LGA v1.08
8. MModule v1.28
9. Moto01 v1.35
10. Moto02 v1.31
11. OTE-Reader v1.00
12. Pana01 v1.25
13. Pana02 v1.15
14. Pana04 v1.07
15. Pana06 v1.05
16. PanaCleaner v1.05
17. PModule v1.06
18. PNModule v1.01
19. QCModule v1.05
20. QModule v2.15
21. RepairModule v1.12
22. Siem02 v1.01
23. SModule v1.14
24. TModule v1.04
25. VkMob01 v1.22
26. VkMobile02 v1.07
27. VModule v1.19

Release note updated automatically after each installed update so you can easy check what modules you have in your installation package.

Big thanks to Mr. PS for good idea with Shell software and long time support !