Prior to offering this program numerous fundamental issues need to be addressed. Most critically, depending on the severity of the dependency, detoxification may need to take place. An individual could not grasp intellectually the foundation of the MLM treatment while still under the influence or suffering through withdrawal. Also, clinical depression, if present, would have a negative influence on ones ability to change, so medication (not benzodiazepines) may need to be prescribed.

MLM is holistic in approach addressing spiritual, nutritional, physical, emotional, psychosocial, and psychological aspects of the aging individual. The program would be presented in a group educational/experiential environment. Group approach is essential due to the many issues facing the elderly such as, isolation, loss of loved ones, and missing support systems. This format would fill some of that void and should be an enticement for the individual to return and continue the program. A perfect location would be Senior Centers, particularly the ones where people come together for meals. While they would be there enjoying a nutritious meal, they could receive the attention they crave through interactive, educational seminars designed to help them understand the dynamics of alcoholism, the stresses of aging, how these issues are affecting them, and developing new strategies for overcoming them.