I found this on net.

Water that does not get things wet

It is known as "water does not wet," but really is not water. His name is Novec 1230 and is the new anti-fire solution to the 3M company introduced. agent is a liquid that looks like water but is cold to the touch, dries 50 times faster and does not break the artifacts that touches even power on. Its chemical name is fluoroketone, a gas stored in liquid form that functions as a fire extinguisher sprinkler. "The fire requires three conditions: heat, fuel and oxygen, and we removed to control the heat," Eurydice explained Ibarlucea, product specialist for Latin America. In a fire, the smoke detector sends a signal to the fluid storage cylinder, which leaves out the right amount to fill all the space in ten seconds. "The atmosphere is fully enriched with the agent for a few minutes, which prevents re-ignition, "said Ibarlucea. The expert says Norvic 1230 is environmentally friendly because it contains a minimal amount of carbon. He also emphasized that it is not toxic to human contact with skin, eyes and if swallowed. Incredible, Seeing is believing. So I leave the video.

this is translation. so there is possible some mistake. but main thing is video.
