Got a SGH-D880 recently and using the latest version of the PC Studio 3 (3.2.1 GJ9) on Vista with Outlook 2007.

This is the problem I'm having
1. My Outlook Calander has may recurring appointmentswhich start in the past (and continue to the future) along with many other one off appointments and I synced my Outlook Calander using the PC Sync app on PC Studio 3. I deleted many of the appoinments which occured in the past (one offs and recurring appoitments) on my Outlook Calander and synched again. I added an appoitment to the phone via the phone and set the alarm. At the time of the Alarm the phone would restart.
Even if I cleared all of my appoitments on the phone Calander (0 appointments on the calander) and added one and set the alarm the same would happen. I had to hard-rest the phone to over come this problem.

Just to make sure that what happened was not a fluke I tried the same thing from the beginning and had to reset the phone for a second time which confirmed that there is a problem with the Calendar application on the SGH-D880 and I suspect it is to do with the recurring appointments.

The above might also be made worse by the fact that it is Outlook 2007 (although this version of the PC Studio says that it supports Outlook 2007) and Vista.

2. Now the second bug which I saw. Added an appointment (Lets call this A) to the phone via the phone's calendar app. Sync'ed with the Outlook Calendar and exited the PC Studio application. Edited the appointment (Changed the start time, Lets Call this B) on the phone, reopened PC studio --> PC Synch app, and did the synch. There is another appointment which is added to Outlook, and the original appointment on Outlook also remained. Exited the PC Sync app and edited the new appointment which was added to Outlook (changed the start time of B which was added to Outlook, Lets call this C) and sync'ed. This addes C to the phone and also adds B (from the phone) to Outlook.

The reason for exiting the PC Sync app is that if you don't, then it works fine.

Has any one run across these issues?
Looks like Samsung has not done a good job of testing the Calendar sync portion of the PC Sync application.

How can I post this to samsung so that they will "hopefully" fix this in a release down the line?
