Happy birthday to SRS; 4 years old
We are so proud to announce to all our customers, users, fans and to everybody who has ever used and will use SRS in the future: we are now officially 4 years online. 4 years of continious support, many many first in the world updates and still going strong and innovating like always. We will keep supporting our product and releasing updates for many years to come.

Me (Salami1_1) and SSA would like to thank everybody for supporting and using our product, and a special note to all our customers who help us from time to time when there is a new protection in a new firmware release or when a provider changes Samsung security a little and letting us help them to solve the problem together. Or when customers send us new phones they would like us to make a solution for and of course the occasional field testing for new models by some of our PRO customers!

Now as a big thank you to everybody we offer 4 days of free access to our SRS products.
1. Download latest SRS installer (link bellow)
2. Use login;
Username: SRS4YEARS
Password: online
3. Unlock your phone

(SRS manual)

What is new in 10.0.23
Samsung Remote Server
- New S5530 super fast code reading
- Added C5510, T639, Z360 Code Reading
- Fixed I5801 Unlock (new crypto version)
- Improved Trident Decrypt code speed

Download latest SRS installer:
SRS client installer
Have a test look:
username: 'test'
password: 'srs'



Join the SRS family and be part of the fastest updating GSM service solution in the World.

-SRS Team-