Dear Users,

we faced with many misunderstandings around our last BB5 SL2 update, so we will clear all questions now. (hopefully )

A: When you need unlock an original locked phone, then press Unlock button. Marked with "1" on the picture.

B: When you need lock phones which are unlocked before, but working without any problem, then press Lock/Repair button.
Marked with "2" on the picture.

C: When you need repair phones with "Invalid lock", then press Repair button. Marked with "3" on the picture.

There are two part of users.

1: Who activated BB5 Free SL2 feature

These users can unlock RAP3G 9DDB phones for 20 credits, but all other phones, not interesting if SL1 or SL2 are free. There are some phones (like E63 and 5800) with new software version, which are supported only with Repair function at the moment, because they have different pm308. We are working on it, so this is just a transitional state.

2: Who have no activation

These users can unlock RAP3G 9DDB phones for 20 credits. SL1 and RAP3G SL2 phones are free. RAPIDO SL2 phones will consume credits stated on the pricing table. There are some phones (like E63 and 5800) with new software version, which are supported only with Repair function at the moment, because they have different pm308. We are working on it, so this is just a transitional state.

- Lock/repair and Repair functions are not free. Also not, if you have activated BB5 Free SL2 already. About prices check our pricing table.
- If you face with Response from server: Error on server side! Please retry later. [00000880].00001512.00016050.000100B8, than your phone can not unlock for free. Please use Repair function.

- This service will not repair phones with 123456-12-654321-x imei.

- This service will not repair phones with restarting problems. (Secure Watchdog problem)

- This update can not unlock phones with SL3 software.

- We can't refund credits, because Repair keys are in all cases good. In some cases you still can't repair simlock, but this is not our mistake, 99% your phone has other problems, not only simlock.

Please stop opening new threads and post because of these problems, we need delete topics, which are answered by this "FAQ".

Best regards: UB Team