Dear Customers,

We are proud to release the following update today

Haier-HG-M151, Bleu-253x, LG-KP108 and other models

"Pana01" module v1.77 release"
.Haier-HG-M151 model supported
.Digibee-BSNL-G200CF operations improved
.Bleu-253x model supported
.LG-KP108 model supported
.Kalley-TCF200 operations improved
.ZTE-A62+ operations improved
.Philips-192 operations improved

"ChineseMiracle" v3.12 released
.ffs/eeprom structure detection improved
.new flash chip types supported
.security area repair improved (83 new firmwares supported)
.minor changes in touchscreen calibration algorithm
."read firmware" option released for NOR chip types to make flash read/write faster
.bootloader detection improved
.firmware database updated
.models list updated
.minor bugs fixed