Discover how you can use DocC to build and share documentation for Swift packages and frameworks directly in Xcode. We’ll show you how to begin generating documentation from your own code — or from third-party code you depend upon — and write and format it using Markdown. You’ll learn best practices for writing articles, including how to structure your documentation, and find out how to create automatically managed links that connect your docs together.
We’ll also take you through configuring your web server to host your generated DocC archives, and help you learn to use the xcodebuild tool to automate documentation generation and keep your web content synchronized and up to date.
Finally, discover how you can author immersive tutorials from scratch with DocC. We’ll demonstrate how you can bring together rich instructions, example code, and images through the DocC syntax to showcase your Swift framework in action. And we’ll go over how to create progressive training that can provide interactive learning opportunities and help people better understand use cases for your framework.

  • Coming Jun 8

Meet DocC documentation in Xcode

Discover how you can use DocC to build and share documentation for Swift packages and frameworks. We’ll show you how to begin generating documentation from your own code — or from third-party code you depend upon — and write and format it using Markdown. And we’ll also take you through the...

  • Coming Jun 8

Host and automate your DocC documentation

Find out how you can easily host your Swift package and framework DocC documentation online. We’ll take you through configuring your web server to host your generated DocC archives, and help you learn to use the xcodebuild tool to automate documentation generation and keep your web content...

  • Coming Jun 9

Elevate your DocC documentation in Xcode

Great documentation can help people effectively and easily adopt your Swift framework. Discover how you can create rich, conceptual articles to accompany your API. You’ll learn best practices for writing articles, including how to structure your documentation, and find out how to create...

  • Coming Jun 10

Build interactive tutorials using DocC

Discover how you can author immersive tutorials from scratch with DocC. We’ll demonstrate how you can bring together rich instructions, example code, and images through the DocC syntax to showcase your Swift framework in action. And we’ll go over how to create progressive training that can...
SlothCreator: Building DocC Documentation in Xcode
