Hi all, i'm italian guy. I need to understand why i can't unlock phone LG U960 (locked by H3G Italia). I used Kulankendi, LG Viewty Unlocker (by incudine, by v4mpire y more similar), drivers LGUnitedMobileDriver 3.6 and/or 4.7 version, original cable USB.
I tried from Windows 7 64bit and windows XP service Pack 3, but the unlock don't work very well. The phone at the reboot work fine with a different Sim (WIND), but after some minutes (sometimes hours) or after another reboot, it's locked again.
I tried to flash it, but i've always the same problem. The phone return locked.
Lastly i see that the last IMEI's number is changed (original imei is 355773010812751, now is 355773010812751). It's possible?? There's a 100% solution to unlock this phone??

Sorry for my english and thanks in advance.