Dear users,
We are pleased to introduce a new version of Smart-Clip v4.05, SmartMoto v3.06 and S-Card v2.05.

With this release we present the flowing options.
IMEI repair firmware patch via TestPoint for the models A1200, E2 and E6.
Network IMEI patch for the models C261, W370 and W375. Also, for the models C275, V175 and W377 (requires to be tested with the network).
Read info, using Smart-Clip connection, for the models A1200, E2 and E6 (E6 – firmware and language pack version only).
For better convenience, the Update process can be performed using either Update Mirror 1 or the Update Mirror 2. Please check the percentage scale and select the less loaded channel.

Update Smart-Clip first and perform S-Card update after that only.
We recommend to use only the latest versions of Smart-Clip, S-Card and SmartMoto.
If you wish to receive news on updates immediately, please subscribe to our new SMS notification system.

Smart-Clip ON!