Please i've my SC updatate to latest version of all, S.Moto 4.06, SC 3.05, have also Scout SW installated, my problem is one MOTO MUQ6, have entered in my laboratory stopped in LOGO Motorola, i have seen if enter in Boot Loader and the answere is YES, whith the Key * # Power button show the Boot Loader where i read: U_U_01_25_00R_Normal, if i connect this phone and launch the Scout SW read the phone in BL and show this:
MBM_01_25 BL. 1.25 Flex NO only the BL_1.25.
This Phone, how i have want seen from the web is one Q9, becouse have this number under the battery: MUQ6 63411B11, now i have search for to buy if is need, tha Full Flash for repair this phone, but in BOOT LOADER SECTION, where i'm registrated, first of buy the packege have find alls type of Flash File, for the Same phone BUT whith the letter C enter 63411C11, that is V9, for my phone whith the letter B, (how have writed UP), and is one Q9 not have find Flash File, please everybody want help to me?
perdon for my English, thank you