12:40:06 AM - Booting Phone
12:40:08 AM - Getting Data from phone
12:40:09 AM - Firmware: S5260BVKB3
12:40:09 AM - Imei: 35604xxxxxxxxx
12:40:09 AM - MSL Serial: RQBB253156
12:40:10 AM - UniqueNumber: 55530001349342
12:40:10 AM - Sysinfo Location: 3910 Reading..OK
12:40:11 AM - Decrypting Codes..

- Unfreeze: 59637147 + OK
- Unlock Network: #7465625*638*42418583#
- Unlock SP Lock: #7465625*77*00000000#
- Unlock Sub Lock: #7465625*782*00000000#

To repair Phone Freeze,insert other operator SimCard.Enter Code(it will not be visible) and accept with OK key
To unlock: REMOVE simcard from phone and type the full unlock codes.

-- Operation done in 21 seconds --