Before uninstall old version:
1. copy all eeprom/flash backup files from folders with Modules to safe place
2. copy x:\Program Files\InfinityBox\PinFinder\pinout_db_user.ini file in safe place

Before installation:
1. delete all files/folders in x:\Program Files\InfinityBox

After installation:
1. read manuals in x:\Program Files\InfinityBox\Documentation
2. restore x:\Program Files\InfinityBox\PinFinder\pinout_db_user.ini file

10 Jul 2009: InfinitySetupMain_v2.17a released:

1. AModule v1.32
2. Bird01 v1.12
3. Bird02 v1.06
4. BModule v1.32
5. Calculator v1.00
6. ChineseMiracle v2.84
7. HModule v1.34
8. Informer v1.01
9. KModule v1.02
10. Language v1.10
11. MModule v2.79
12. Moto01 v1.48
13. Moto03 v1.08
14. OTE-Reader v1.00
15. Pana01 v1.68
16. Pana02 v1.15
17. Pana04 v1.07
18. Pana06 v1.05
19. PanaCleaner v1.05
20. PinFinder v1.19
21. Pinout v1.39
22. PModule v1.07
23. PModule02 v1.14
24. PNModule v1.08
25. PNModuleH v1.00
26. QCModule v1.21
27. QCModule2 v1.06
28. QModule v2.21
29. RepairModule v1.12
30. Samsung01 v1.06
31. Siem02 v1.01
32. SModule v1.22
33. SPD v1.00
34. SPD2 v2.09
35. TModule v1.04
36. VkMob01 v1.23
37. VkMobile02 v1.10
38. VkMobile03 v1.00
39. VkWhat3E v1.2.5.4
40. VModule v1.31
41. Shell v1.29