What is Kulan-Kendi SE DB2020 ?
Kulan-Kendi is server-client application, which enables change of language, software, phone code reset, life timer reset and repair software faults in DB2020 phones. Its required active account on our server for correct operation of applicaton.

Available models:

- W 850(i)
- K 800(i)
- K 790(i)
- K 610(i)
- K 618(i)
- V 630(i)
- W 710(i)
- W 710(c)
- Z 710(i)
- Z 710(c)
- Z 610(i)

Server Features:

- Language change
- Phone software upgrade
- Decustomize phone
- Repair dead phones
- Repair phones with damaged EROM ( red led blinking )
- Reset talk counter
- Reset phone code
- Auto save login details for server
- Auto-Update client software .
- Multi-Language client software interface .
- MCC-MNC reading information . World s first !!!
- Lock level reading information . World s first !!!
- Total Call Time reading information added. World s first !!!
- Phone Code lock status reading information . World s first !!!
- RS232 communication support (for EROM update). World s first !!!
- Reset flip counter option . Please use only on phones with flip(Z610i etc)!.
- Delete startup logo(and animations) option(please read on forum
how it works before use it).